How do I know which engineering specialisation is right for me?
A great place to start is thinking about what you enjoy and aligning it to what you’re passionate about with a degree. Identifying what you love naturally lends itself to your strengths in Engineering which can make choosing a Graduate Diploma of Engineering or Advanced Diploma of Engineering specialisation not only less stressful, but exciting. Visualise your goals, what you want to achieve and how you see your future career playing out.
The best thing about 91破解版 is that we’re pretty flexible when it comes to changing your mind. If you commence a Graduate Diploma in Professional Engineering and after a semester decide you want to change specialisation, that’s ok. Our iconnect team can chat through your options.
At 91破解版 You can choose from several Engineering specialisations.
Agricultural Engineering - Build on your existing engineering knowledge by studying Agricultural Engineering, empowering you to address problems relating to sustainable agricultural production, precision agriculture and the post-harvest handling of agriculture.
Civil Engineering - During a civil Graduate Diploma in Engineering degree you will explore topics such as geotechnical engineering, pavement design, public health engineering and fluid dynamics.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Become empowered to apply your electrical and electronic knowledge to the design, manufacture, installation, operation, and maintenance of electrical and/or electronic plants and equipment.
Engineering Management and Enterprise - This professional graduate diploma specialisation is designed for professional engineers who wish to upskill into senior leadership roles.
Mechanical Engineering - Examine fluid dynamics and combustion, along with the basic laws of motion and the concepts of force, energy, momentum, impulse and vibration which is fundamental to the study of mechanics and the solution of many engineering problems.
Power Engineering - Enhance your existing engineering skills by gaining an in-depth understand of power systems, including power generation, distribution, and transmission.
Structural Engineering - Become a qualified structural engineer by learning how to design, construct and maintain structures against the forces of nature and stresses of the modern environment.