How do I know which Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing major is right for me?
A great place to start is thinking about what you enjoy and aligning it to what you’re passionate about with a degree. Identifying what you love naturally lends itself to your strengths in Visual and Performing Arts which can make choosing a creative arts degree and community engagement degree not only less stressful, but exciting. Visualise your goals, what you want to achieve and how you see your future career playing out.
The best thing about 91破解版 is that we’re pretty flexible when it comes to changing your mind. If you commence a Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing and after a trimester decide you want to change majors, that’s ok. Our iconnect team can chat through your options.
At 91破解版 You can choose from three specialisations.
Music - This major focuses on two modes of music practise including collaborative live performance and individual and collaborative music practice in digital spaces. Coursework in this major explores individual and collective music making, collaborative processes, live and digital performance, instrumental work, and songwriting, composition, and musical arrangement.
Theatre - Blend acting, dramaturgy, creative development, cultural responsibility, and theatre-in-community learning experiences to build on your existing knowledge and enhance your transferrable skills.
Visual Art - Gain studio-based knowledge, technical proficiency and the work ethic needed for visual arts practice as a skilled professional working with communities.
Continue to fine tune your skills and knowledge by using your BA of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing as a stepping-stone to further studies, such as our Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours).