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University of West Bohemia

Pilsen, Czech Republic

The University of West Bohemia is a young institution located in the heart of Europe. Founded in 1991, the modern university campus also boasts excellent research centres and 9 faculties with an emphasis on academics and life outside the lecture rooms.

Language of instruction:


Level of study:

Undergraduate and Postgraduate.

Academic programs offered:

Sciences, Engineering, Business and Commerce, Humanities and Communication, Languages and Law.

Program credit:

Electives or courses approved by the Academic Affairs team. 

Course catalogue:

View the course catalogue on the . 

Winter Semester: September to February.

Summer Semester: February to August.

Visit the Scholarships and costs page for more details on how you can fund your program.

Incoming international students will receive help with finding . Students have options of UWB dormitories or, renting a flat at . 


All students must be covered by insurance for the duration of their overseas studies. Some universities require the purchase of a local policy. If any insurance policy can be used, students may qualify to be covered under the 91破解版 insurance policy. Please check with the Mobility Team at the time of acceptance to the exchange program. 

Visa information:

Read more information on . 

Please visit the website.

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